Sunday, October 19, 2008

So this is what's wrong with me

I was wondering today, what the heck was Hypermobility.

Hypermobility (also called double-jointedness, hypermobility syndrome or hyperlaxity) describes joints that stretch farther than is normal. For example, some hypermobile people can bend their thumbs backwards to their wrists, bend their knee joints backwards, (human jumprope) move arms from near their buttocks to the front of their stomach by holding hands and going over the head, or put their leg behind the head. It can affect a single joint or multiple joints throughout the body.

hence the fact I can make my hand do all sorts of contorsions, my fingers bend backwards at a 90 degree angle, my knees, back, toes, shoulders can contort.

However, people with hypermobility syndrome may experience many difficulties. For example, their joints may be easily injured, be more prone to complete dislocation due to the weakly stabilized joint and they may develop problems from muscle overuse (as muscles must work harder to compensate for the excessive weakness in the ligaments that support the joints).

That means I am weak, and I have to work extra hard to gain strength.

Hypermobility syndrome (known by a variety of other names, including Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome) is generally considered to comprise hypermobility together with other symptoms, such as myalgia and arthralgia, and extra-articular features such as skin hyperextensibility and varicose veins. It affects more females than males.

A hypermobile hand
The current diagnostic criteria for hypermobility syndrome are the Brighton criteria, which incorporates the Brighton score[1]. Hypermobility syndrome is considered by many doctors expert in hypermobility (e.g. Professor Rodney Grahame) to be equivalent to the Hypermobile Type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

People with hypermobility syndrome may develop other conditions caused by their lax connective tissues. These conditions include:

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) I MAY HAVE THIS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Varicose Veins I HAVE THIS
Flat feet, pronated feet, plantar fasciitis or sesamoiditis and unsupportive shoes
Idiopathic scoliosis
Joint instability causing frequent sprains, tendinitis, or bursitis when doing activities that would not affect the normal individual. YUP SO ME
Early-onset osteoarthritis
There is evidence linking hypermobility syndrome to anxiety and depression. WOAH, COULD BE TRUE
Subluxations or dislocations, especially in the shoulder. RAISES HAND-HAPPENS TO ME
Knee pain
Back pain, prolapsed discs or spondylolisthesis
Bruising easily  OK IT HAPPENS ALOT
Worsening of symptoms in cold weather  SIGH
Joints that make clicking noises  OH DEAR
Headaches   GOT ONE NOW
Susceptibility to whiplash
Temperomandibular Joint Syndrome also known as TMJ
Increased nerve compression disorders (i.e. carpal tunnel syndrome)
Mitral valve prolapse
Uterine prolapse
FLU [Formal Larinal Usekretinals]
Separated Pubic Symphysis
Postural tachycardia syndrome secondary to joint hypermobility syndrome
May develop issues with the thyroid such as, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Hyperthyroidism, etc.
May have problems with the eyes because of extra collagen; such as, acute myopia or retinal tears EEP

It is important that the individual with hypermobility remain extremely fit - even more so than the average individual - to prevent recurrent injuries. Regular exercise and physical therapy or hydrotherapy can reduce symptoms of hypermobility, because strong muscles help to stabilise joints. These treatments can also help by stretching tight, overused muscles and ensuring the person uses joints within the ideal ranges of motion, avoiding hyperextension or hyperflexion. Low-impact exercise such as Pilates or Tai Chi is usually recommended for hypermobile people as it is less likely to cause injury than high-impact exercise or contact sports.

well me and Chad are starting to work on Pilates

as we can see, this sounds very bad, but I think with Chad's help I can strengthen and function well.


Olivia said...

Yes, it's best to strenghten muscles to make up for the weak connective tissue.

Once again, I'm glad you have Chad and Pilates is the perfect solution.

I saw a family on the Discovery some time ago that had Ehlers Danlos syndrome. They have it bad.

Olivia said...

Hm, that pic in the top right corner is Ian Wright from Lonely Planet.