Thursday, October 23, 2008

a vision in purple/nothing new n exciting...yet


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Sorry guys, I have nothing new to say. I am working at sears, today is a off day. I work tomorrow, then have three days off. Next week I have 32 hours. I guess I really can't complain much. As I do have loans to pay off. 

me and the man are planning a trip back to Port aux Basques, but that depends if he is on call or not Dec 1.  I think if he is n call we might just go visit his mom and grand in Norman's Cove. Its about an hour from the City.

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The weather is chilly here. We had a huge rain shower a few days ago[the bf bought me really cute rain boots.

Right now I am curled up in my blanket, waiting for Chad to come home.


Olivia said...

are those a matching t-shhirt and jacket?

meimei said...


Olivia said...

All the same jacket? I stared at the pics for ages trying to figure it out.